Greenwich Meridian

Address: River Thames, Central London

Opening hours: The observatory opens at 10:00 am. Adults have to pay £10.00 for each ticket while children can all go in for free. closing time is at 5:00 pm.

Contact: Telephone +44 (0)20 8312 6565

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Do you want to be right in the middle of a transition or some sort of border? If so then you might want to visit the Greenwich Meridian, which is that point that separates east and west. As a kid in geography class, you had been taught that the Equator is the go-between north and south as much as the Greenwich Meridian is for east and west.

The Greenwich Meridian can be found in the centre of the time zone system. You can best follow its path with the rest of the people at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. The Airy Transit Circle, which is a historic telescope, helps locate the path.

You can join thousands of visitors coming to see the Greenwich Meridian every year. They are all trying to get into the Observatory to experience being both in the east and in the west.

While the English Observatory may provide you with a chance to be on the Greenwich Meridian, do take note that the spot crosses other places in the world. You may find the spot somewhere in Algeria, Antarctica, Burkina Faso, France, Ghana, Mali, Spain and Togo, as well.

The Greenwich Meridian Line is considered the world time’s centre. It has been endorsed as the Prime Meridian in 1884. Being able to able to stand astride both east and west is not its only attraction it can offer. You may also explore the rooms where the first Astronomer Royal stayed in. These rooms go back to the 17th century. You can also visit the Peter Harrison Planetarium, which the only public planetarium in London. Bring along your kids as all shows can be viewed by children ages 7 and older. Young children may even tag along to watch Stargazing for Beginners and Secret of the Cardboard Rocket.

To make use of the facilities of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, you must be there 30 minutes before closing, which is at 5:00 pm. The observatory opens at 10:00 am. Adults have to pay £10.00 for each ticket while children can all go in for free. The experience is one of a kind and must be shared with the whole family or a large group of friends. After the trip, you could all gush about how you were in the midst of the time zone system while being in that one place. Planetarium tickets cost £6.50 for adults, £4.50 for kids, and £17.50 for the whole family.